Friday, November 8, 2013

Yoga, Dance, Daddy-Daughter night

Sara likes to do Yoga.  She watches when Daddy does yoga and when Mommy does Kundalini yoga.  She was showing Brennan how to do Yoga and then Daddy joined in.  The family that Yogas together stays together?  I think Sara will be really good at Yoga someday.  She has always been interested in it and she is pretty good already.

The kids are always doing some type of art or craft.  One day they were both sick so they couldn't go out and jump on the trampoline.  Instead we covered the island in paper and they painted for a long time.

I was enjoying some time to myself and that's when it quickly deteriorated to them painting themselves and each other.

We've also been doing playdoh, this is Sara's gingerbread men on a beach creation.
Sara is less busy than she used to be and I am too.  It's actually been kind of a relief.  Her swim lessons ended abruptly.  Her teacher said she wasn't teaching morning lessons any more and her afternoon lessons conflict with Sara's school hours, so that was that.  I guess we'll wait until she opens up more classes later or something.   Also, Sara said she wanted to quit ice skating.  I really wasn't sure about letting her quit.  I thought about just making her push through it but she seemed like she really didn't want to do it so I talked to Dan and we deiced that skating is up to her.   Maybe she will want to try it again later.

So instead we went back to dancing.  She loved taking dance classes before when she took a creative dance class and our neighbor recommended a really good dance academy that her friend from college runs.  Also, the dance class is less than a mile from our house and cheap.  When I called the lady, her creative dance class for 3-5 year olds was full but she made a spot for Sara anyway.  Her first day at her new creative dance class was on Halloween.  She was so excited and she had the time of her life.  She really likes to dance and it's a fun class, it's no pressure and low key.  

I like that her dance class is only one day a week and I drop her off for an hour and then pick her up.  It's the first drop-off activity she's ever had.   I hope she is able to take dance there for a long time and Brennan too, they have a superheroes boys class for 3 year olds.

Lastly, Sara had her first daddy-daughter activity at school last Friday night.  She was excited to have daddy all to herself and to go do fun activities with her friends from school and their dads.
 While there, Dan said Sara and another girl played really cute together so he asked the other dad fir his wife's number so I could call her for a play date.  Dan made a joke about how awkward it is to ask for another man's wife's number :)

We fixed her hair up fancy.

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