Tuesday, September 27, 2011


She loves to dance to various types of music during the day. As a kid I remember loving to dance too. I took some pics of her cutting a rug today. I love her big brown eyes too. She is such a sweet little daughter.

Music Class

I took a few pics of Sara at her music class today.

reaching up high for the high notes :

Learning "do" or the note C.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Sara makes Youtube debut

Links to Sara's Youtube videos:

Or to watch all the videos, you can click on Yodame12 and bookmark Yodame12's Youtube channel. I should have done this earlier, it's so easy. Sorry Mom, I know you told me so. I'll have to go back and upload all my videos, it'll take a while. I'm impressed with the vids my camera takes! I will have to take more videos now.

And yes, on the Oswald one it's an apostrophe and not a comma, oops.

Sara's New Look

Sara has been doing crafts lately. She and her Dad put together a bunch of necklaces with beads this week. She has decided that one of them makes a good headband.

Also she has been really good about helping out with chores around the house. She takes laundry to the laundry room and empties the drier. She says it makes her feel like a really useful engine (from Thomas the Train).

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Some sick scooter riding

Sara got her new scooter and helmet in the mail on Wed and even though she was sick as a dog Wed night she rode it around and around the kitchen table.

Today even though we were all sick as dogs, I took her up to Novell to see Daddy and scoot on the walking trail where the ducks are.

Here's the pics.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Stuff She Says and scooters

Sara says some really funny things. She's always cracking us up with something.

Today the new Food Network magazine came and she looked at the cover. There was a picture of Bobby Flay, Guy Fierie, and Paula Dean. She correctly identified them all by name. We watch a cooking show every day for lunch and depending on what time lunch is, one of those cooks is on. Her comment was that they are all good choppers.

Also, a toy catalog came yesterday. I was looking at it and she grabbed it away from me saying that it was for kids and it was hers. I wonder what age they figure out that you want your parents to look at the catalog if you hope to get something.

Also, true to her Southern sounding name she has started to say "Honey" and call people honey. I think it's really funny.

Her Daddy ordered her a pink scooter and pink helmet with flames that should be coming today. She is really excited. She has been really upset that her tricycle disappeared out of our garage. I hope she really likes her scooter and we're going to take the neighbors advice and write her name and phone number on it with permanent marker this time.

Here is a pic of her at Camilla's house. Noah is teaching her how to ride his scooter. He is a fast scooter! This was her very first time on one. She did really well.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Puddle Jumper

We had a pretty good rainstorm here today and it was a steady and gentle rain with no lightening or wind so I decided to let Sara go outside and play in it. She wanted to get all dressed up with her rain boots, coat, and umbrella. I thought she looked pretty cute.

Then we decided to go puddle jumping just Sara and Mom. I wish I had pictures from this because it was too cute. We went along the field and found some huge muddy puddles and she totally got in them. We were both covered in mud and water. I had to drag her home, I think she would have stayed out there all night.

I'm glad that she and I can do special things like that. I felt like Sara and Dan were in a special club while I was pregnant having all the fun. Now, it's my turn :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Nature Box

Since Sara was picking up a lot of acorns on our hike the other day, I decided we'd take them home and start a nature collection box. She can keep things she finds on our hikes outside in her box. It had a few oak leaves and some acorns in it and today she wanted to go around the back yard and gather up flowers for it. This was the end result and on our next hike we'll add something else.

By the way we asked her what was inside acorns and she said you crack them open like eggs and fish are inside.

(since she is so cute I'll post two pics, you can see her new haircut better here too)

She's been really into wearing these little dresses even though it's getting cooler so we've been making her wear shirts and jeans under them sometimes.

Also tonight she laid out these tracks all by herself. We were actually pretty impressed. She's really looking forward to getting more trains for Christmas and has already been making a list for Daddy.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fun Day

Sara has been dying to go on a hike. She keeps saying to me, "Mom, when your tummy feels better can we go on a hike?" So Dan decided to take the morning off work to celebrate our anniversary as a family and we went on a hike to Escalante Cross. It's a short hike that both Sara and I could do.

Sara is such a good hiker. She kept telling her Dad that she could do it by herself when there was a tough rocky part. She walked the whole way.

Tonight we were going out for our anniversiary so I got fixed up a little. I curled my hair and put on makeup and a nice shirt. She had been doing something else and when I came out of the bathroom she just kept staring at me and then she walked up to me feeling my shirt and she said she wanted to touch my hair. She said, "What did you do Mom? You are getting prettier." It was really funny.

She was more than happy to go to her Tutu's to watch Thomas videos, she was practically pushing me out the door so they could watch TV, she kept saying bye Mom and pushing me towards the door. At least she's happy there, it makes the dinner more enjoyable that I don't have to worry.

Monday, September 12, 2011

First Hair Cut, finally

Sara had her first official hair cut today. Sure, I've butchered it several times at home but I decided it was time for her to have a professional one. She was very against the idea. She had been telling us for weeks that she does not want to have her hair cut and when I told her that's where we were going today she flipped out and was screaming NO! I was determined however because her hair was looking so shaggy, it was impossible to brush, and she wasn't letting me take care of her hair.

I actually got half way to the hair salon and went back home to get her iTouch so that she would have something to occupy her. She only gets to use the iTouch for a few minutes a day so I knew she would probably be excited to use it.

When we entered the hair place she was screaming and crying. I was worried that we'd have to just walk out but the hair stylist seemed totally unphased and just went about reassuring Sara that it was going to be OK.

First she offered her a sucker and then asked Sara to climb in the chair. She actually climbed in it herself but then clung to me and wanted to bury her head in my shirt and not look. The hairstylist said her name was Kaylee and when she put the cape on Sara she told her it was like wearing a costume. Sara was wailing the whole time. Then Kaylee asked Sara if she wanted to see pictures of her new puppies on her phone. Sara said yes, so Kaylee showed her pics of her new Siberian Huskies.

Then I got out the iTouch and Sara got to show Kaylee her favorite games, she does a spelling game that she's gotten really good at. She showed Kaylee how to spell a word and then she did a puzzle game. The whole time Kaylee was actually cutting her hair and Sara didn't even realize it until it was done. Kaylee was silently asking me how long I wanted to leave Sara's hair and we negotiated it without a word.

Brennan was good too, he was wide awake in his carrier but didn't say a word. I even left the salon and went back to the car to grab my camera, after realizing that it was a "Kodak" moment.

Sara was good friends with Kaylee by the time we left and said she wanted to came back. I gave Kaylee a $10 tip for her help. It really wouldn't have happened if she hadn't been great with Sara.

Sara got a little certificate that Kaylee filled out and a lock of hair to keep.

Friday, September 9, 2011


Sara loves to call Dan "Da-co" for some reason. It's really cute though. It's her pet name for him and we're big on pet names around here. Everyone calls Brennan "Moose" more often than we use his real name.

Tonight even though Dan was dead tired from work and getting up with Brennan at 5:45 a.m. he built her train tracks in her room at her insistence. Then he read her some books while I went on a walk.

Sara herself has been super cranky lately. She's been getting up every morning at 3 a.m. with Brennan. His cry wakes her up. She gets up to use the bathroom and get something to eat. It takes her a while to get back to sleep so I know she's losing out on sleep. Sometimes we all feel like we're in a daze here and we all get cranky.

I've been singing her songs before bed to give her a little extra individual attention. I feel bad that I don't have the time to read to her that I once did. She has been requesting that I sing Christmas songs, so tonight I sang, "Jingle Bells", "Rudolph", and "We wish you a Merry Christmas". She listens intently. I'm sure she remembers that I used to sing those to her a lot when she was little.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sara and the Giant Peach

Our neighbor Greg and his girls all came over ( even a different neighbor girl was tagging along) to bring Sara a giant peach from their tree. I wish I had a picture of when Sara came out of the house to get the peach. Her eyes were huge and her mouth was open in the classic Sara pose. Greg said they had found her the biggest one. Dan had previously shown them all the picture of her having built the ladder to try and reach his peaches over the fence.

She came inside with it and didn't even let us wash it she just dug in. It was nearly as big as her head. I tasted it and it was sooo good! She could only eat half of it, I've saved the other half of it for her to eat tomorrow.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The bounce House

We went to Jumpin' Jacks this morning. It's a place with huge inflatable slides and jumping things for kids. I like that it's 10 minutes from our house so we can go quickly and come home quickly if we need to.

Brennen slept while Sara jumped and slid. I need to take her to this place more often. It's only 4 bucks to get in and it's a good way for kids to wear out their energy and I think jumping and bouncing is good for their balance development (later for skiing). The kids that go really often know exactly how to bounce and land so that they get the maximum experience. Sara does not know how to do that yet.

There was a little girl there that Sara followed around. That little girl had 4 older brothers so she was pretty confident. Sara was afraid of the biggest slide but she did it once after watching this girl. I got a pic of her with my phone. She said she was really scared of it and didn't go on it again.

I think next week we will see if her little friends can come so she has someone to hang out with, I think that might make her less afraid too.

I can't wait until Brennan is old enough to jump and play too.