Friday, November 11, 2011

Stuff we do in the Fall

It's fall now and the leaves are falling off the trees in droves. This week we raked a big pile of them and the Sara spent hours playing in them, even Brennan got in on the action.

We've also been trying to do at least one new craft project a week. Last week we made a Popsicle stick box, however it got squished, so we'll try that again later. This week we made this puppet with crazy yarn hair out of an oatmeal box, construction paper, a paper towel tube, and orange yarn. It wasn't much to look at but Sara had fun giving it a hair cut for 2 days. When she cuts the hair off, just pop off the top and add more yarn, presto.

Popping packing bubbles is also riotous fun for a three and a half year old.

Sometimes we just like mess around and take funny pictures or sweet pics with our Moosey brother. Sara is getting better at holding him, she will hang onto him tight even though she says he's heavy, floppy, his head is too big, and sometimes his fingernails scratch her.

And speaking of pictures, Sara LOVES to take pictures. She does a really good job with my camera but I'd rather her not take pics with mine. I'm thinking of getting her her very own kids camera for Christmas.

Sara has still been doing a lot of reading. We check out 25 library books every three weeks. By the time we've taken them back, we've read each one at least three times. One book she had mentioned gargoyles and that word stuck with her. She keeps talking about them and wanting to know what they are, as there were no pics of them in the book. So I took her over to a house in our neighborhood that is a huge brick goth house with gargoyles on it and she got a good look at them. She thought they were cool but kind of scary too.

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