Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Bead in the nose is worth two in the pot

This week has been quite eventful. Sara has really gotten into playing with beads and as she was playing this week she decided to stick one up her nose. It happened really fast and she acted shocked about it but she was calm too, just surprised. I had Brennan so I told Dan to help her. He went and got the tweezers and laid her down on the couch. He used a flashlight and worked the bead down, luckily it was rather large and easy to grab. It ended up just falling out once he worked it down. We scolded Sara and told her not to do that again and we took her beads away for two days. I don't think she'll do it again, she was traumatized we took her beads away. Also this week, I caught her putting her fish from her fishing game in her mouth, which could also be choked on. Tonight she had her flashlight completely in her mouth when I went to tell her good night. She's almost four year old and you'd think we would be past this stage, I guess we aren't getting out easy. She seems to be acting out a lot more too. I've been trying to read to her more and Brennan will sit still longer while I do now. She is acting a little more jealous of him now too. I think the lack of sleep is not helping either. She and Brennan aren't getting to bed until after midnight. I'm not sure what's happened, they are taking the same naps during the day but they just won't go to bed. I hope this is over soon, it's really exhausting. I'm wondering if she's big enough that she does not need her afternoon nap anymore. One funny thing Sara does is she comes out of her room late at night saying she needs water. Dan and I are usually watching Food Network TV and she is craning her neck to see what we're watching. Tonight she was looking behind her and tripped over her rocking chair while trying to see what we were watching. Also, she's run into the wall before. It cracks us up. She doesn't like to miss anything. Apparently my blogger program does not do spell check anymore or paragraph spaces, not happy :(

1 comment:

Go for It ! said...

Just me thinking a half day at preschool would be good for her and you too:)