Tuesday, December 20, 2011

So Busy!

We are so busy that I haven't had time to post anything recently. All of Sara's cousins are here and we've been doing something with them every night. She has been playing and playing and no one has been getting much sleep. I think we're all done. Saturday, everyone went tubing at Soldier Hollow. Dan and I were pretty sure Sara would be scared but she charged right ahead and wanted to do it. She even wanted to pull her own tube. She and Dan sat in separate tubes and he held on to hers as they went down the runs. I did it once with her and it was really scary for me actually. You get going really fast and it spins around so you're facing backwards and you can't see. I'm glad we didn't hit the walls, I'm not sure what I would have done to avoid it. If you put your feet down at all, snow would fly in your face and you couldn't see. Dan learned the best way to go down was on his belly so that if he put his feet down snow didn't fly in her face. Dad and Sara probably went down the hills together about 10 times. This gives me hope she's ready for bigger and better things. I got her a pair of cross-country skis for Christmas. I'm so excited to see what she does with them and I hope we get snow soon so she can try them out, even if it's on the sidewalk. I also hope she can take ski lessons next year. Sara is really looking forward to Christmas, it's going to be a fun day!

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