Sunday, December 25, 2011


Sara was really looking forward to Christmas.  Christmas Eve we went to her Tutu's for dinner.  Mom stayed behind for a bit and got ready for Christmas and then we all had a nice dinner.  Daddy realized that one of Sara's main toys didn't arrive so he was panicked looking for a replacement at 11 p.m. with no luck.

Sara went to sleep and was told that Santa was coming but he was going to make sure she was asleep before he left presents.  She said if she heard him she would wake up and tell us but Santa was really quiet.  Dan and I got the presents ready, we laid out the skis and ski trailer.  Then we finally made it to bed about 1 a.m.
A very groggy Dan got up at 6:30 a.m. to turn on the Christmas tree lights and then Mom and Sara got up at 7 a.m.  Sara was still pretty sleepy so she and Daddy sat looking at the tree.  Sara went to her stocking first and started to unload it.  Next we opened presents.  Her favorite thing was the camera she got.  Followed by books and a great alphabet train puzzle.  Unfortunately we didn't have snow to go try out the ski trailer or her new skis.

Sara digging through her stocking.  She was insisting the chocolate orange we got her didn't come from Santa because she saw us sneak it in the cart at the grocery store.  She got lots of different flavors of hot chocolate in her stocking because Santa knows what she likes.

After opening the presents,  Sara asked to go on a walk so she could take pictures and she took a picture of EVERY house  (click link to watch video) we passed, sometimes several pictures.  It was quite a long walk but she had fun.  Her camera also takes video. It must have a huge memory card because she has probably taken 500 photos already.

 The gyro bowl from Auntie Tina.  Also, I need to get a picture, Auntie Fara gave her two really awesome Wildlife t-shirts, and Uncle Ben stopped by to deliver Toby the tram.

 Passed out after Christmas.
 About to take her new camera on a walk with Brennan.
When we got home, Daddy and Brennan helped her put together the alphabet puzzle (click link to watch video) from Grandpa and Granny Karen.   She loved it and so did Mom and Dad.  Tomorrow, Grandpa and Grandma visit and more festivities and then Nanna comes the next day, so much excitement!

I can't wait for next Christmas when Brennan can get into the action.

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