Saturday, January 7, 2012


Sara has been adjusting to not having her Nanna here full time.  It's been a bit rough for Dan and I too but we're all OK.  I'm re-resolved to spend more time with her.

For Christmas Nanna got us the French version of Rosetta Stone.  Today we did a ten minute lesson twice.  She was interested in it and got some of the answers right.  I think it will be fun to see what she can pick up. We learned the French words for boy, girl, man, woman, reading, running, drinking and eating.

Sara surprised us today with her new "Jesus I'm sneezing" "Jesus" song.  She likes to make up songs to entertain us and this one was a doozie. 

Also today it snowed.  It was the first time we've had snow since she got her skis.  She and Daddy went in the back yard to try them out.   She actually did really well and she really liked it too.  They skied around the yard for a half hour. 

Dan and I have noticed this about her personality, she is persistant and not afraid to keep trying. 

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