Sunday, January 8, 2012


I got this pic from Sara's cousin's blog, it turned out better than the one I took (thanks Jessie!).  Sara had a blast tubing with all her cousins over Christmas.  Lots of her cousins were visiting from Hawaii and I'm glad she got a chance to spend time with them.  Sara did great tubing, she even wanted to pull her own tube.  Dan and I were surprised how well she took to it.  We thought she might be afraid. 

We really love that about her personality, that she seems fearless to try new things and to keep trying them.

While Nanna was here, we went to a sushi restaurant and Sara even tried sushi and loved it.  I'm really excited about that because this sushi place is my very favorite and hopefully she'll go again with us.  Now all we have to do is get Brennan eating sushi.

Also, I learned how to make paragraphs on this infernal new blogger format, yay me and yay readers!

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