Saturday, March 17, 2012

Here comes trouble

OOps, I accidentally posted this on MB's page, oh well, it's been that kind of day.  I'm sure she won't mind sharing the space just this time.

Brennan has decided that crawling is for babies and walking is for big boys.  He pulls himself up onto everything now and cries when he has to crawl.  He wants to be upright and climbing.  I've had to try and figure out how to keep him from climbing everything because he goes from climbing from one thing to another.  

It would be great if he didn't fall over but he's still unsteady and he falls over to the side and hits his head first on the floor hard.  Luckily he hasn't done this on the kitchen floor yet and luckily we don't have tile yet.  I think he could knock himself out.  He has hit his head pretty good on the carpet a few times, either falling backwards or sideways.  He wants to be a big boy but he'll have to wait until he can catch that huge head of his or at least put his hands down to cushion himself.   I think he'll be walking sooner rather than later but if it means he hits his head more because he's not strong enough to catch himself, I'm hoping he holds off a while.

Also another problem he's having is he climbs inside the end tables and then he can't back himself out, he hits his head on the underside of the top of the table and cries until we come get him.

He's funny too, since the weather has been warm we've let him crawl occasionally in his diaper or with a onsie.  He does not like his knees to touch the floor, especially on the kitchen floor so he crawls on all fours instead.

*This pic shows his big paws.

He does sit up really well and usually does not fall over, so he takes his baths that way now.  He loves splashing in the water and playing with toys.

Today he ate rice with nori furikake like Sara likes.  It wasn't his favorite but he kept eating it as long as I was feeding it to him.

Tomorrow is the last day of his antibiotic for his ear infection.  I'm so glad.  He is still sick though, his nose is really running a lot but at least the terrible cough he had seems to have abated thankfully.

He's almost 8 months old!

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