Thursday, March 1, 2012

Drawing Papal Pigs

Today Sara helped me make this display line for her room of all of her artwork from school. She comes home from pre-school with a ton of stuff she's made or colored and she even has homework.

This was my practice design just to see if it would hold up and if I liked it.  I think I'll make the line a bit longer and bigger now that I know it works and maybe hang it a bit higher.   She had fun helping me use the hole puncher and the hole reinforcing stickers, also she helped me cut the yarn and measure it.

It's easy to punch holes in her artwork and homework and just string it on.  We could change it out every week or so to display her current work. 

Also, Sara has really gotten in to learning her letters and learning how to write.  She is able to write about 10 letters now. Here she is practicing and drawing Papal Pigs!

She also likes feeding the fish.  She was feeding them and showing me how they eat when they are trying to catch the food in their mouths.

Also, last weekend while Daddy was gone, to distract her, we had a little Momma and kids party.  We went and got Sushi take-out from our favorite Sushi place. Sara ate every last bit of her veggie sushi.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How about using clothespins? Or brightly colored binder clips? Holes are cool, but do you have to take the whole thing down to put up new art?