Sunday, March 18, 2012

Rock show

We were hoping to get out to the West desert this weekend to go hunt for obsidian but the weather did not cooperate.  Instead we made ourselves at home and went out to the gem and mineral show at the fair grounds here.  It was free and it was open on Sunday, so that was perfect.

Sara was really excited to see all the rocks.  There were tons of really neat fossils there such as fish, reptiles, turtles, trees, dino eggs, bones, and teeth.  Also there were lots of neat samples of minerals and various objects and rocks that the rock club put in display cases, showcasing all of their collections as individuals.  The display cases and the glow-in-the-dark mineral room were probably our favorite stops, also the 20ft tall t-rex that walked around the room greeting people. 

The phosphorescent minerals reminded me of the kit I had as a kid with a black light and rocks that glowed.  I loved it and would even bring home rocks I had found elsewhere and check to see if they glowed.  It make me want to get Sara a kit like that too.  I'm really excited that she likes rocks.  I hope to go hunt rocks with her someday soon. 

Amazingly even Dan and Brennan had a good time today too.

Sara standing in front of a display case filled with polished stones shaped like eggs.

You can see the man in black that walked around carrying this t-rex skeleton for people to pose with.  Sara was pretty scared of it, hence no pics of her next to it. We've seen this guy at other museums in Utah, apparently he and his t-rex get around, what a neat thing for the kids of Utah.

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