Thursday, February 28, 2013


Sara's Granny KP got her a flute for her 5th B'day and she even came down to our house to give Sara her first flute lesson.  Sara was really surprised, she had no idea that Granny KP came down for any of this.

Granny KP showed her how to take it out of the case and put it together and how to take care of it.

Sara was super excited to play it but first you have to learn where to put your fingers, there are a lot of keys.  She also had to learn her left hand from her right in order to get things right on the flute.   We will just work on playing Hot Cross Buns for now. 

We were really grateful that KP took the time out of her busy lesson schedule to come and teach Sara.

Also, Brennan got in on the action with the Tin Whistle that KP brought for him.

He was playing the whistle or humming into it and then throwing it down and clapping for himself.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I lost a Toof!

Sara has been complaining that her tooth hurts on the bottom when I brush her teeth and when she eats.  She has been bugging me for weeks to take her to the dentist right away.  I thought maybe her teeth were just sensitive so I kind of put her off bu then the other day I had a dream that her tooth was lose.  Sure enough, when I went to go wiggle it, it was loose.

I thought maybe she had broken it because I thought kids were 6,7, or 8 before their teeth fell out.  I called the dentist and they said that if she had teeth come in early, and she did at 4 months, then it's already time.  They also told me that they fall out in the order they came in, which I thought was interesting too.

So the tooth was wobbly for a few days but Dan finally decided to go ahead and pull it this morning.  Now we'll have to figure out what the tooth fairy is going to leave her...


The tooth Fairy left her $5.00, she was thrilled.  She says she wants to buy a kit or maybe save up for a kids swimming pool.  I guess she's thinking a lot about summer.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sara is FIVE!

Sara turns 5 tomorrow but we decided to celebrate her birthday a day earlier, mostly because we couldn't get a room at the place she wanted to have her party at for the night of her birthday.  Dan decided to take the day off and we spent time with Sara and got things ready to go for her party.

First thing in the morning we let her open her present from Nanna and skyped with her.

Sara spent the day taking care of her new dog that she called "White Stripe". 

That night we went to kangaroo zoo.  She wanted to have a My Little Pony party so we decided to put some of them on top of her cake.   She was really surprised by it and loved it.

Sara was really glad that her friend, our neighbor Nora, could come to the party.

She was excited to open her presents
She really wanted My Little Ponies
Her cool hat from Auntie Lisa
Party people

After the cake they all had fun jumping again.

Group pic
Playing with her ponies was the first thing she wanted to do tonight when she got home.

Daddy is even getting in to my little pony.

We are proud of our little five year old!  Happy Birthday!


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentimes!

Sara always gets so excited about Valemtimes day, as she calls it.  Even more so now that she has a school party and friends at school to exchange valentines with.   This year her Nanna sent lots of supplies for making valentines and Sara couldn't wait to get started designing them.  So we chose to give away fruit leathers instead of candy because everyone else does candy.   Last year we made pretzel kisses that she excitedly gave away.   She is so thoughtful and wants to give valentines away to everyone we know.  So this year we gave them away to her swimming buddy and neighbors too.

She totally designed them herself.  Dan only helped a little with the tape but she did all the gluing, stamping, and she wrote her name on the back of them all herself.  I'm always surprised as she gets older and older at the things she can do by herself.  Also her pre-school is very art oriented and I know has learned a ton of skills from being in that class.  

She put the fruit leather in the middle of two paper hearts and then individually decorated them herself.  They looked really unique. She even insisted on making one for her teacher.

Daddy always starts her valentines day off right with a really nice breakfast.  This morning we woke up to red heart shaped chocolate chip pancakes with strawberry filling, yum!  They were a big hit with Brennan too.

Sara told us "Happy Valentimes Day" about 100 times today, even as we were going to bed and then she asked me tonight if Valentimes day is also tomorrow.  I told her no it's only one day, but that she was invited to a Valentimes Tea Party by the neighbor, so luckily she gets a bit of an extension.

At pre-school they wove a paper heart which inspired Daddy to try and weave paper both of which we displayed on the fridge.  Check out their mad paper weaving skillz.

I think Sara gets really excited this time of year because her b'day is just around the corner from Valentimes as well.  We asked her what she wanted to do this year.  She told me earlier in the year that she wanted to have a party at the Dinosaur Museum.  I wanted her to have it at the tubing hill at Jolly's Ranch.  In the end, she insisted on having it at the jumping place that we had it at last year.   

So we arranged for her to have it there again and she seems really happy.  This year she wants the theme to be My Little Ponies, which she has recently gotten into because of pre-school.  We are getting her a rainbow cake from Costco and putting the ponies on it and also using the various drawings of the characters that she colored as decorations.   It should be lots of fun for her and really cute.  I just hope she can stay well for a few more days and not catch anything that would make her too sick to enjoy it!