Monday, February 20, 2012

Sara's Happy 4th Birthday Day

Today was a long and crazy day but I think Sara had a very memorable 4th birthday.  The excitement started this morning.  Sara and Daddy got up and built a set of train tracks.  Sara got to open Nanna's first gift, and she was thrilled to get her new engine Billy, she said he has funny teefs.

Next, Sara requested we go to her favorite place, Cracker Barrel, so she could get biscuits and jelly (her favorite thing to eat there). She said she wanted to order grits, which was odd, and she promised she'd eat them, but when they came she wouldn't even try them.  Guess who loved them though, Brennan!  He ate half the bowl, no complaints.

Then, Daddy took Sara to his bike shop and they picked out a new bike.  Ever since her tricycle was stolen, she's been really wishing for something else to ride.  She came home immediately and began riding it and we had a hard time getting her back off of it.  Here's a video of her very first ride, the training wheels were really helpful.

We had to pry her off the bike to get her to take a nap before her party.  By some miracle, Sara and Brennan both took an hour and a half nap before the party.  I think that's the only reason any of us made it today. 

I took Sara to go pick up her birthday cake in Provo.  A cake artist named Angela made her a special "Garden" cake.  Sara was so excited to meet a real baker (as she called her) and to see the cake with her name on it, she said, "Like a name tag".  Here is the lady's blog site .

 She was so helpful and nice in creating Sara's cake.  Sara asked that it have "lots" of flowers on it, we asked Angela to try and make lady bugs and Sara's grandpa had just read her a really neat book about a grasshopper named Bob.  So we asked Angela if she could make a Grasshopper, she said she would try but she wasn't sure she could.  She e-mailed me back a few days later really excited that she was able to do it.  Sara was happy to go to Angela's house and meet her and thank her for the special cake.  It was all the colors that Sara loves too and it had strawberry filling like she requested.

Next we drove to Kangaroo Zoo.  Sara was so excited to be having her party there.  She had chosen the "Flora" room that has lit up flowers all over the wall prior to the party.  I was hoping she'd choose the stars and planets room but she wanted the flowers so she got the flowers.

When we got to Kangaroo Zoo, there weren't even parking spaces, it was so so crowded.  It was probably the worst day of the year to have a party there because it was President's day.  There might have been 200 kids there.  Inside it was hot and humid.  Luckily we had the little party room to go hide in and the kids did not seem to mind, they happily joined in the madness.  Sara and her cousins and friends were moving so fast that I couldn't begin to keep up with them.   Everyone helped watch Brennan some, for the most part he was happy to be there, he got passed around to everyone.  He even did a little bouncing himself.

We had a guy named Aaron assigned to our party and he was a quick kid that followed them around with a camera and took pictures, like a paparazzi.  It was pretty funny.  I could tell where they were by his camera flashing.  His job was to take care of the kids in the party and keep the party moving smoothly and he even helped them when they were injured.  Once he even went to the top of a huge slide and brought Sara down when she was too scared to go down by herself.

Even Granny KP got in on the action, she slid down several times with Sara.  Sara had been talking about Granny KP sliding with her for weeks so she was beyond thrilled.  Wendy got a great pic of them sliding.   Sara was glad that Granny KP got to be a kid again tonight!  This picture says it all.  Priceless!

Sara's Aunts and Uncles and cousins were all there and we were so very thankful to all of them for coming, it really made Sara's party special!  There were also babies!

The cake was a huge hit at the party.  The kids were kind of trying to figure out who was going to get to eat the lady bugs,  the grasshopper wasn't edible.  Sara got one lady bug and she choose Benny to get the other one, which was a huge honor in the kid realm,  because they all wanted it.  Benny made quick work of it.

 Then Sara opened Presents!  She got lots of Tomas stuff, a cool dino counting book, and even a special butterfly dress from Auntie Lisa.  She sat with her legs cross like a little lady in her dress.

There will probably be more photos to come, we bought the photo package and Ben was going to send me some of theirs.

I think I'll post a Part II, I'm so tired after today :(  To be continued....

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