Friday, February 17, 2012


For Sara's Valentines breakfast I got up early and attempted to make her a "Pancake Man".  It was tough for me to get up early because I'd spend the night before shopping for and helping to get the valentines ready for school.  I felt really motivated to make her something nice though.  Sara has a book about the pancake man and how he runs away. So I made him sort of how he looks in the picture, maybe a little scarier because he had red eyes (raspberries) and pretzel arms and legs.  I also stuffed him with a raspberry, honey, mascarpone filling that I made.

Sara thought it was funny but she wouldn't even taste it.  I was upset with her, she ended up having just a plain pancake.  So much for that.  I ate the pancake man instead and it was really good. 

Sara was really excited for Valentines this year.  She was having a valentines party at Pre-school that she was looking forward to, also we made some treats for her music class. 

For the valentines treats that we gave away, we made pretzel kisses  which are ridiculously easy to make and taste really good. Sara helped unwrap put all the chocolate kisses on the pretzels and there were a lot to do, we made 60 of them.  She had fun handing out the valentines.  She also got lots of unique valentines from her classmates, clearly other parents have a lot more time and creativity than I do.

Later that night, Daddy took us all to a Sushi restaurant for our Valentines dinner and Sara ate 6 pieces of sushi with avocado, carrot, and asparagus in them.  Not a scrap was left.   I think she had a really good day.

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