Monday, February 13, 2012

First Day at Pre-school

Sara had her first day at pre-school last week.  She was so excited to go she asked me every hour if it was time to go. She had her backpack ready and wanted to take a lunch box but I told her that she wouldn't be there long enough to need one.  I think she thought she was going to "play school" so I explained to her that she needed to listen to the teacher and do what the teacher says. 

It was a really strange feeling for me to leave her there and go home just with Moosa.  I walked back to get her two hours later with the jogging stroller, hoping to hear about the fun time she had.

When she first walked in some girls came over to her right away and started talking.

Unfortunately there was some kind of incident with the bathroom that kind of marred her first day and she said the teacher was upset with her.  I'm still not clear what happened but I think Sara maybe needs to learn some rules about the bathroom and who can use it when.  I hope that her next week is better.  Mostly she is learning how to interact and how things are different than at home.  I guess the earlier you start the better? We want her to be well adjusted to various situations.

They are having a Valentines party this week at pre-school and she's very excited, we made Pretzel Kisses for the kids and Sara helped.  I'm crossing my fingers that she has a better day this week. We also made treats for the kids at music class, she is going to have fun handing out treats to kids tomorrow.

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