Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Getting Crafty

Sara and I have been getting back into doing arts and crafts again lately.  It's pretty challenging because Brennan is right there terrorizing everything, so we can only craft when he's asleep or strapped in his chair.  Still we try and squeeze it in.

Lately we've been doing button crafts, we made a tree and hopefully we will make a bowl soon.   I bought some blank canvases also to do some collages and a better tree picture on hopefully to hang on her wall.
I also hung up the art wall in Sara's room again, pics coming soon.

Also we just found the sidewalk chalk and today Sara drew a blue whale (that looked more like a manatee) that was really cute, and a zebra and a tiger (that looked kind of like caterpillars).

Also, she will have a real art teacher at kindergarten this year, and as a bonus, her art teacher is also her next door neighbor 2 doors down.

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