Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Piano Pals

Sara recently started back at the music academy and is taking piano again.  She was so excited to start.  On the first day, I was foolish enough to try to bring Brennan and it was a massive disaster.  Screaming his head off was putting it mildly.  I had to wait in the parking lot because he was screaming so loud.  Sara basically took the first class all by herself with other parents and the teacher helping her.  I felt really bad and really embarrassed and for the first time I really hated Brennan for ruining it.  I knew we had to get a baby sitter.  Luckily we have 2 girls next door who were eager to help. 

This week was Sara's second class and she did so well. We had taken a year break from piano, and I was surprised to see how much more mature she is this time around and how much better she is at playing the piano and picking up the music.  She has already learned several small songs.

The music academy is really really serious deal.   She has a very serious teacher, maybe even too serious, they gave her a nice tote, note cards, a binder with a practice chart and instructions, and a music book and CD to listen to.

 She has to pass off her songs every week now and also the teacher checks her practice chart to see if she has practiced every day.  She is supposed to practice every day now for 15 minutes, doing her flash cards, rhythms on her sticks, her songs, etc.  I am confident that as long as we are able to take her to the academy, she will definitely learn piano.  They also teach all kinds of other instruments there, so she will have a good music base to branch out from.  Also, let's not forget she has Granny Karen and flute too!!

Here she is learning her notes and singing them too. 

Here they are in class being space notes and line notes.  She has a lot more kids in her class this time which I think will be really fun for her. 

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