Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Angry Tadpole

Sara likes to go garage saleing with me.   We go on Fridays and she usually comes home with a hand full of books, a stuffed animal, or a t-shirt.  Last Friday we did really good, we got a ton of great books and she got this Slimer stuffed animal.  She hasn't seen Ghost Buster's of course so she didn't recognize the character.  She called it the angry tadpole instead, it cracked me up.

Then as luck would have it, just a few days later, we were driving through Provo and saw this truck.  We told her it was related to the angry tad pole and she said it was a strange looking car.  So in her head I guess she's thinking that angry tadpoles drive strange cars, well, it will all make sense to her one day I guess.

We made it to page 185 in the Neverending Story which I thought was pretty good, it's 400 pages.  Her interest is kind of waning a little.  It's been a complex and convoluted book for her to follow.  Basically I read her a chapter and then we go back and talk about what it said.  She kind of gets it but a lot of it is way over her head too and she thinks some of the creatures are scary.  I however have really really enjoyed the book and Dan wants to read it now too.  I would love a copy of it someday to read to both Sara and Brennan when they are quite a bit older.  It's a great story with some really fun messages about creativity and imagination. 

Our next book is "What we found in the sofa and how it saved the world".  I hope we like it.   Between reading all these books and the yard sale books, we've been doing a ton of reading. 

Sara has a placement test this week for her Kindergarten class.  I think it's probably just so the teacher knows what the students know already and not that they would move her up a grade, but I guess I could be wrong.  We've been reviewing and she had gotten a little rusty on things over the summer, especially with money, telling time, and math.  She's got her letters, colors, and shapes down pat.  It will be interesting to see how she does on her first test. 

Also, there is an orientation tomorrow and we will go to meet her new Kindergarten teacher and see where her class room is.  She is going to a brand new school that is just right behind our house.  She is very excited to be able to ride her bike to school every day or just to walk.  I will probably only have to meet her out at the street corner where she crosses the road behind our house.  She got afternoon kindergarten so while Brennan is snoozing she'll be in school and that leaves mornings open for activities.

She is taking Piano Pals (hopefully if I can get a babysitter for her brother) and today was her first class.  I was really impressed with how much she remembered and how much she still loves going there, she was ahead of a lot of the other kids who had never taken the toddler classes.  It made me want to try really hard to keep her in that class because I think she could do really well in the next year. 

Also I'm thinking of doing ice skating lessons for her again in September and swimming starting in October if she still wants to.  She's going to be a busy kid.   

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