Friday, September 6, 2013

Beads are best

Sara loves loves loves doing beads.  We haven't done beaded necklaces in a while to keep choking hazards away from Brennan but we've recently gotten them back out.  We try to keep him in his chair while we do arts and crafts projects, otherwise he's trying to grab scissors or eat beads and glue.  This is how we kept him entertained in his chair today while we did beads.  We gave him large buttons all on a string to play with and we put tape on his nose, which he thought was totally hilarious, so much so that he wouldn't let us take it off.

Today we made necklaces with pony beads and sequins.  We both made necklaces and Sara gave hers to daddy and I let her wear the one I made to school.  Daddy wore his to drop her off at school and that made her really happy.

The kids love to sit at the new table, both of them on the same bench seat.

Also, I wanted to write down this story for her blog.  Dan has worked from home the last two days so he's been walking her to school and picking her up, which she loves.  The first day he walked all the way to school to get her and she was disappointed.  She told him next time not to walk all the way to the school to get her.  She likes the independence of walking home herself to the street corner, so today she asked him to please wait at the corner for her, too funny.

1 comment:

Go for It ! said...

As long as he doesn't forget and leave her standing there. That happened to me and I sat on that corner until dark and was finally remembered !