Monday, August 29, 2011

Nanna's Boxes

Nanna sends Sara nice boxes and cards. Today Sara got "Car's" pajamas in her box and she was super excited. She striped her clothes off right there and put her PJ's on because she was so excited to wear them.

The other good part is that someday Brennan will probably be super happy to wear these too. I'm also glad that Nanna got the non-flame resistant ones as I have thrown away all the ones I had that were treated with the flame resistant chemical.

Dan and I have been thinking about buying them stuff that they can both use. Sara will probably be wearing a lot more blue from now on.

Also, in other news, Sara is able to read all the letters on the covers of her books now. Before I read a book to her I ask her to spell all the words on the cover and she can do it pretty well now. Maybe it won't be long before she's actually reading.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Little Brother

Sara likes to spend time with Brennan. Today she wanted him to play in her room and was showing him all her stuffed animals. She really likes to hold him too. She keeps asking me if he's big now so she can play with him. Today she said she wants to be able to see-saw with him.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Splash Pad

The new North Park in Spanish Fork has a splash pad and Sara has been begging to go. She sees it from the car every time we get on the freeway. The first time we went it was way too crowded and some bigger kids knocked her down. We waited until school was back in and this morning there was hardly anyone there and the kids were more her size too.

At first she didn't want to get in the water because it was cold but then she got over it and I had a hard time getting her out.

After the splash pad we went to the library. It was our first trip with Brennan and the librarians that are really nice to her were asking Sara all kinds of questions about her new brother. I love how they interact with her at the library, I think it's really good for her. She has some good friends there, very nice people. Her story and music time starts back the first week of September, she is excited.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Music Makers

Sara started back at music class today. She has already completed Toddler Tunes II and III and now her class is called Music Makers. All her friends were back in class and she has the same teacher, Mrs Laura.

She was really excited to see Mrs Laura and wanted to tell everyone about her new little brother.

I could tell Sara had really improved and grown over the summer by the things in music class she was able to do better. She listened better and spoke better and interacted better with the teacher.

They will actually learn to play songs on the piano this semester. She got two music books today. The first song she will learn is Hot Cross Buns.

They learned the whole note today and they have to say "Big Whole Note" and cup their hands together. Also she had to go up to the chalk board and draw a big whole note. We practiced these when we got home too. I'm going to start practicing her lessons with her more at home.

Brennan did great in class. They make a crazy amount of noise, banging sticks and tambourines and he only twitched. I know the day is coming however when he's wide awake and screaming. I talked to Sara's teacher about me needing to step out of the room with Brennan and she and I both think Sara will be fine if I need to. Also Sara's class went from thirty minutes to forty five, so I have to keep Brennan quiet for even longer. The other women who had babies in the class have found baby sitters for them. That may be something I need to do eventually. I guess I'll have to see how it goes.

I was very proud of Sara today in her class and she got a treat afterwords for listening to the teacher. I'm excited to see what all she will learn this go-around.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Ladder to Peaches

Sara is tired of watching our neighbors gorgeous peaches on his tree so today she built a ladder out of her chairs to try and reach them. She keeps asking if we can have them and I tell her she has to ask our neighbor Greg. Tonight she saw him in the yard and asked him. I'm sure they will send her over some.

Sara is so good with Brennan. She is really curious as to what he is doing and she is always asking me if he's hungry or tired. She wants to help hold his bottle and today she put a blanket over him when he was on the floor. It makes me a little nervous that she could hurt him and not know it so I have been watching them extra close. She really does want to take care of him though. So far I have not detected that much jealousy, hopefully it stays that way.

If I'm feeding him I try to make it her reading time and do things for her as I'm taking care of him so that she doesn't feel that it's either him or her that gets attention. It seems to be working out OK.

Tomorrow is Sara's first music class since he was born, I hope it goes well and that he does not scream the whole time. I'm crossing my fingers for sleep.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day out with Daddy

Sara and her Dad had a day out shopping together. They went to her favorite restaurant "Jaxies" and had her favorite food, veggie chips and cinnamon rolls.

Daddy got her a new train that she is super excited about. It even has a tiny headlight on it that she uses for a night light in her room.

Today she said, "The car sure is messy" and Daddy said, "Yeah, well guess whose mess it is?" and she said, "I think it's someone else's mess Dad". It was mostly her books and some blankets, I've seen worse back there.

Sara likes to announce when Brennan does anything, like cry, fall asleep, have gas. In a way it helps me out. I hope she continues to come and get me when he cries, I'm sure her hearing is better than mine.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Work bookin'

Sara and I did her pre-school work book today. She can get shapes and numbers and letters but some of the other concepts are a little above her. We still had fun coloring together and tracing letters.

We read lots of books today like always. I think the thing she likes most is for me to spend individual time with her while Brennan is sleeping.

I've been playing my violin 1o or 15 minutes a day and she seems curious about it. She plays with the case and my music books. I'm surprised she hasn't asked to play with my violin, but glad because I won't be able to let her anyway.

She has wanted me to sing her songs before bed time too, I've been trying to spend more time with her at night, she really seems to need the attention right before bed.

She is starting to obsess over the i-touch so we are having to limit her time on it to 10 or 15 minutes. She loves the games and will play on it for an hour if we let her.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The new brother

Sara is adjusting to her new brother well. She will grab a pacifier and put it in his mouth if he's crying. I think sometimes she just wants peace and quiet too. She has only once put the pacifier in her mouth first before giving it to him. She is really careful with him and she likes to ask questions about him like, "What did he say, Mom?". We make up conversations with him.

Sara is turning 3.5 on August 20th. Dan and I can't believe how big she has gotten. Maybe because Brennan is so small, she seems to have doubled in size. I really do think she's grown a lot too. Her face is and head seems much bigger to me. She does a lot of things for herself now. She is potty trained, she can dress herself, get her own food and water, and she is usually good to clean up after herself too.

Her favorite things are her Thomas trains. Probalby because she and Daddy play trains a lot and she just seems to like them. She treats the trains like friends, she pushes them in her stroller, and the "watch" her sleep and eat. She always asks us if someone can watch her do something and then she'll go get one of her trains. She has a list of them that she still wants. Dan keeps up with it, it's his department. They are both trying really hard to make it to December so she can get some new trains for Christmas. Dan already says he doesn't think he can make it.

I wanted to start writing down the funny thing she says so I can keep a record of them. Almost every night she says, "Daddy, I have an idea" and then Dan replies, "What's your idea?" and she will usually say Dairy Queen. She really likes to go with Daddy to get ice cream.

Also she was saying when she didn't want to do something, "Mom, that's not what people do" and then I would ask her, "What do people do then?" and she would say, "People don't do anything".