Thursday, August 18, 2011

The new brother

Sara is adjusting to her new brother well. She will grab a pacifier and put it in his mouth if he's crying. I think sometimes she just wants peace and quiet too. She has only once put the pacifier in her mouth first before giving it to him. She is really careful with him and she likes to ask questions about him like, "What did he say, Mom?". We make up conversations with him.

Sara is turning 3.5 on August 20th. Dan and I can't believe how big she has gotten. Maybe because Brennan is so small, she seems to have doubled in size. I really do think she's grown a lot too. Her face is and head seems much bigger to me. She does a lot of things for herself now. She is potty trained, she can dress herself, get her own food and water, and she is usually good to clean up after herself too.

Her favorite things are her Thomas trains. Probalby because she and Daddy play trains a lot and she just seems to like them. She treats the trains like friends, she pushes them in her stroller, and the "watch" her sleep and eat. She always asks us if someone can watch her do something and then she'll go get one of her trains. She has a list of them that she still wants. Dan keeps up with it, it's his department. They are both trying really hard to make it to December so she can get some new trains for Christmas. Dan already says he doesn't think he can make it.

I wanted to start writing down the funny thing she says so I can keep a record of them. Almost every night she says, "Daddy, I have an idea" and then Dan replies, "What's your idea?" and she will usually say Dairy Queen. She really likes to go with Daddy to get ice cream.

Also she was saying when she didn't want to do something, "Mom, that's not what people do" and then I would ask her, "What do people do then?" and she would say, "People don't do anything".

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