Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Stuff She Says and scooters

Sara says some really funny things. She's always cracking us up with something.

Today the new Food Network magazine came and she looked at the cover. There was a picture of Bobby Flay, Guy Fierie, and Paula Dean. She correctly identified them all by name. We watch a cooking show every day for lunch and depending on what time lunch is, one of those cooks is on. Her comment was that they are all good choppers.

Also, a toy catalog came yesterday. I was looking at it and she grabbed it away from me saying that it was for kids and it was hers. I wonder what age they figure out that you want your parents to look at the catalog if you hope to get something.

Also, true to her Southern sounding name she has started to say "Honey" and call people honey. I think it's really funny.

Her Daddy ordered her a pink scooter and pink helmet with flames that should be coming today. She is really excited. She has been really upset that her tricycle disappeared out of our garage. I hope she really likes her scooter and we're going to take the neighbors advice and write her name and phone number on it with permanent marker this time.

Here is a pic of her at Camilla's house. Noah is teaching her how to ride his scooter. He is a fast scooter! This was her very first time on one. She did really well.

1 comment:

KP&GVS3 said...

Looking forward to seeing that little honey on her pink scooter, wearing the pink helmet.

How sad that her tricycle rolled out of the garage. Hope you find it!