Saturday, November 19, 2011

Don't say that, say Uga Looga

Sara has learned some new words from her cousins, "Hate" and "Stupid". She overheard Timothy saying that he hates his sister because she's stupid and so now she's peppering her vocabulary with these words. It's kind of sad but it was sure to happen eventually I suppose.

We've tried to tell her that those aren't good words but then we've noticed that we say them all the time in basic conversation too. Sara has taken to correcting us, she says, "Don't say hate, hate is a bad word." Then she makes up a silly word to use instead, something like ooga woo.

She has also been asking us if all kinds of other words are bad words, like "weird" or "crazy". She is really over-analyzing it but she seems really concerned about it. She is very expressive so I think words are her expertise and she wants to have a good grasp of them.

Here is a pic of them playing together. She likes playing with him and he's fascinated watching.

1 comment:

KP&GVS3 said...

Incredible for a not-even 4 year old! I'm glad she at least - for now, knows how to be kind to her little brother. Sounds like we can all learn from her. Uga Looga!