Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Yard Saling

Sara and I have really come to love yard sales this summer.  We started out with $80 budget in cash earlier this year and today we made it down to our last $10.  There are tons of yard sales just in our neighborhood, so we never had to travel very far.

We start looking for neighborhood yard sales on Friday morning because some of them start early.  We always look forward to Friday mornings because of this. Some of our favorite ones are where the whole street or neighborhood is having a community yard sale.  It's almost like going to a carnival.  The kids are selling home baked goods and drinks or homemade jewelry and people just park at one end and walk from house to house.

I usually give Sara a cloth reusable bag to carry around and gather toys or books or clothes that she wants.   She has picked out lots of really nice clothes this summer, all by herself.

Also, I have hit several garage sales where they were giving away bags of boys clothes, so I got them for little or no money.  Brennan has a wardrobe to last him until he's 6 years old I think.  While Nanna was here, I really scored and got him a huge amount of clothes for this Winter.

Here were our finds today, Sara got some much desired butterfly wings and Brennan got two new dump trucks that even make sounds.  Cost $2.

We like yard sales and It's pretty harmless fun, a good way to teach reusing and recycling things, and way better than going to Wal-Mart wandering around like zombies for crappy things.

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