Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Sara was really sick today and missed out on most of the fun.  She was supposed to have a pre-school Halloween party, a birthday party at a friend's house, and trick-or-treating at Daddy's work.  We skipped all of that so she could take a nap.  She has a really bad cough too, so I was worried about her walking or running too much. 

When Dan came home he didn't think she was sick enough to miss Halloween all together, so we took her trick-or-treating in the neighborhood.  She ran excitedly from house to house, somehow putting her cough on hold.  It was all we could do to hold her back from running off without us.  She was really enjoying running with the other kids and even loved the people answering the doors.

She got tons of candy and then started to cough really bad so we went home.  She helped Dan hand out candy on the front porch for a hour.  She was really selling it, calling out to people to come get our candy and giving out handfuls of it.  She is so social.  She was having fun giving the candy out with wild abandon.

Then she came inside and was coughing so bad she was choking and throwing up.  I guess if she has to be really sick now, at least she will have great memories from Halloween as a 4 year old hopefully.  I will probably be taking her to the doctor tomorrow.

Here are all the cute pics:

1 comment:

Go for It ! said...

Love that dragon with shoes on the wrong feet and baby bat with pacifier! How adorable !