Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Politiks are crap

Sara has been paying attention to the election and from articles I've seen on the internet pre-schoolers seem to have an interest in this election.  Maybe because they are picking up on their parent's sense of urgency and desperation and so they are paying more attention or maybe they are always that observant at this age, or the fact that it's all over TV and the internet.

Also I think that Sara hears about Mitt R. especially at pre-school from the other kids, and possibly the teacher.  She usually says she likes M.R. but I told her that Daddy and I don't like him as a candidate.  Then she started changing her tune a little.  However she did tell us that she might want to go live with Mitt R because he would let her have candy for dinner.

For some reason she went on this diatribe the other day.  There are about 5 parts but I only put 2 of them up so far, I might put the others up later or not.    This gives you the general idea and you can probably tell what her new favorite word is.

part 1 
part 2

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