Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The new reader?

Sara has been taking huge steps towards reading and sounding out words.  She walks around all day sounding out things with everyday words that we use.  If it say let's go take a walk to the park.  She says, "p...p...p...Park".  She does this with all kind of sounds and she always guesses them right.

So far, she has read three signs by herself, she read the words "no, Stop, and Trick or Treat" on different signs that we passed by in the car.   I think she will have this figured out in no time.  I think she is ready and self motivated, two good things that will help her succeed.  I'm not the kind of parent that is driven to have her read as early as possible so I can brag to everyone.  It really doesn't matter to me how long it takes her but I'm happy for her and willing to help her because I know how much she loves her books and I think it would open up a whole new world for her if she could read to herself.

Today we sat with one of her Thomas books and I asked her to pick out certain words that I had read her in a paragraph, she got every word I asked her right.  Then we went word by word through a long books, sounding them out together.

She is making leaps and bounds at preschool too.  However I'm starting to feel slightly disappointed that I think the other kids are either younger or behind her in preschool and maturity.  They are quite a bit smaller in size, even though they are supposed to be 4 year olds.  Is she really that tall or are there some 3 year olds, not sure yet.  I've been meaning to ask the teacher.  Sara looks 5 and they look 3 and it's quite drastic.  Also Sara tells me every day that the kids have behavior problems.  Today she said that a kid got sent home for kicking, biting, and screaming.  So I think there are some kids that are having issues.  However every time we see the kids going in our coming out of preschool they seem nice enough and they always say hi and bye to Sara.

I was hoping that Sara would really learn a ton at pre school this year and I hope she still does.  Her teacher evaluates them and we even have parent-teacher conferences.  So far we've only received one evaluation on paper saying she knew all her colors, she can count to 11, and she can write all her numbers except for the number 10.  I know her teacher praises her every day and Sara tells us she is happy in the class so I hope everything is going well and she feels comfortable there and adjusted.  So far she has really loved going this year and she brings home really cute things.  We have expanded her art wall in her room to accommodate more art.

A necklace she made today at preschool :
Slightly expanded art wall, still needs work:

Sara has also been helping out tremendously around the house.  She is on a kick to prepare all her own meals.  She actually puts together some good food for herself.  We guide her telling her how many veggies, how much cheese, or fruit she should have and then she puts it together.  She uses the toaster but does not use the microwave yet.  She also has no problem getting in the fridge, pantry, or freezer.  Here she is in action putting a meal together and here is the result.

Pretty nutritious, yogurt, cheese, Cheerios, and dried apples.  She has also decided she likes to eat at the kitchen cabinet like a big girl, not at the table where the "kids" eat, is what she says...
Here she is showing off her dance moves.

Here are some pics of the sibs being cute.  They get jealous every now and then but mostly she goes way of out her way to be kind to her brother.  She will share her favorite foods with him and treats, she gets him things that he needs, and comforts him when he's upset.  He has a great big sister.

The one last one of sweet Sara.  She has really gotten in to drawing chalk on her face like face paint.  At least it comes off easy.

The best part for me is I really feel like the time we've put into Sara for the last 4.5 years is really starting to pay off.  She is a great, compassionate, active, and fun little person.

1 comment:

KP&GVS3 said...

Your last paragraph sums it up. Very touching . . .