Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Music Makers

Sara started back at music class today. She has already completed Toddler Tunes II and III and now her class is called Music Makers. All her friends were back in class and she has the same teacher, Mrs Laura.

She was really excited to see Mrs Laura and wanted to tell everyone about her new little brother.

I could tell Sara had really improved and grown over the summer by the things in music class she was able to do better. She listened better and spoke better and interacted better with the teacher.

They will actually learn to play songs on the piano this semester. She got two music books today. The first song she will learn is Hot Cross Buns.

They learned the whole note today and they have to say "Big Whole Note" and cup their hands together. Also she had to go up to the chalk board and draw a big whole note. We practiced these when we got home too. I'm going to start practicing her lessons with her more at home.

Brennan did great in class. They make a crazy amount of noise, banging sticks and tambourines and he only twitched. I know the day is coming however when he's wide awake and screaming. I talked to Sara's teacher about me needing to step out of the room with Brennan and she and I both think Sara will be fine if I need to. Also Sara's class went from thirty minutes to forty five, so I have to keep Brennan quiet for even longer. The other women who had babies in the class have found baby sitters for them. That may be something I need to do eventually. I guess I'll have to see how it goes.

I was very proud of Sara today in her class and she got a treat afterwords for listening to the teacher. I'm excited to see what all she will learn this go-around.

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