Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fish are friends not food

Sara has gotten really interested in the fish tank lately.  She tells everyone about the different kinds of fish she has and she knows them all by name, Neon Tetras, Guppies, Catfish, and Algae Eaters.  She's been helping me feed them and today she wanted to pour more water in the tank so I let her.  Also, she wanted to read them stories, so she got her books out and read them some stories, she says they like to hear stories.
She has really grown up more all of the sudden as her 4th birthday approaches.  She wants to be more independent and do things for herself more. Also, she has picked up some words that we read to her, she can read the words "the", "Too", "Hello", and, "So".  Also we've been really impressed at her improvement on the piano.  She is able to play, Do, Rae, Me, Fa, So on the piano with the right fingers.  It's nice to see that she's learning and improving and that the music lessons are paying off.

I got her in a pre-school in our neighborhood only 3 blocks away, by the park she likes to go to.  It's called "Little Wizards" and it's been around for 8 years.  The lady has a cute basement room set up like a classroom.  I was really impressed by her curriculum and the comments from parents on-line say that after pre-school and Pre-K there, their kids did really well starting school.  Sara will go for 2 hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays and I love that we can walk or bike her there.

Sara is so excited to start there tomorrow, she said she wanted to go to bed early so that tomorrow would come faster.   The pre-school teacher, Miss Amber (who Sara has been calling Miss Hamburger) told me that have show-and-tells, they work with a calendar to learn months and days, they tell time, they do math and spelling, and they have a program for the parents at the end of the semester.  Her pre-school follows the school calendar so she'll only go until May 17th.

Another sign she's growing up, she has also been showering us with questions of all kinds.  Today she asks me where does popcorn come from and who makes it, who makes strawberries, and where does yogurt come from and what is it made of.  I try to take her questions seriously and answer them, even though the answers usually lead to about 10 more questions.  She really does want to learn.

I'm excited for her to grown and learn.  I think she's a smart kid, that is very sweet, with a good personality and she will do well in the world hopefully. 

1 comment:

Go for It ! said...

She is Already doing well ! I say Good Job, Parents :)