Friday, February 3, 2012

French Lessons and pre-school

I finally video taped Sara doing her French Lessons.  It's so cute when she says the words.  She has trouble pronouncing the word for boy, she leaves out the "r", but everything else she's pretty good at.  We've been working at it ten minutes a day the whole month of January.  She can run the program by herself now too.  If I have to leave to go get Brennan out of his bed or feed him, she can find most of the answers by herself.  We try to speak some French during the day too while we're doing everyday things.
Video 1
Video 2
I've been shopping around for pre-schools for Sara.  She keeps saying she's bored at home and she wants to go to school and make friends.  We found one in the neighborhood that she has an interview with today.  I hope it works out because it is so close to our house we could walk her there.  She would go on Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours.  Next year she will probably go to pre-K.

Sara has been asking us to make up stories for her every day.  She learned the word "imagination" this week and she's been saying, "Make up a story for me and use all of your imagination".  So Dan and I have been making up all kinds of stories and then we tell her it's her turn and she'll make up one too.  Some of the stories she has made up are really funny, I will try to get them on video.

Also, she is getting better at counting from 11-20  and she has also been paying attention to the clock and trying to see what hour it is.

1 comment:

Go for It ! said...

We had fun with her puppets and they could make up stories with her, too.