Thursday, August 29, 2013

First day of Kindergarten!

Today is Sara's first day of school!  She was so excited to go to school that she didn't even sleep very well last night and was asking me every 10 minutes if it was time for school yet. 

This morning we had to go down in the basement and dig through all kinds of boxes looking for her backpack, luckily we found it.  Also, she had her 1st homework assignment already, she was supposed to make a "me-shirt" that illustrates things about her.  We also filled out a sheet that asked her all kinds of questions about herself so that the teacher and her classmates could get to know her. 

I thought her me-shirt turned out really cute.  I always struggle with how much to help her with projects.  I've come to the conclusion at this age that they need more help and then theoretically as they age they will need less help, just like everything else.  Still, I wanted it to feel like it was hers too, so she picked out all the colors and different stamps and stickers that she wanted, as well as she drew a picture to put on it and told me what she wanted the theme to be.   We tried to make it bright, happy, cheerful, and fun, just like Sara is.  

Getting ready for school, showing off her me-shirt
We also painted her finger nails, light green, her favorite color, with sparkles.  When I was taking pics of her she was trying to show her nail polish.  Showing off her sassy styling, she chose her outfit for school today.
It was finally time for us to walk her to school.  She was speeding ahead of us.  I noticed that some kids, even the 1st graders were really afraid and reticent to go to school and Sara is full steam ahead.  She has no fear, in fact she likes to call herself Sara the brave.  I let her find her class room and she remembered right where it was. 

I had a hard time getting her to turn around for a photo because she was so excited to go in to her class.   After we took the photo she gave me a hug and a kiss and then grabbed Brennan and lifted him off the floor hugging him and gave him a kiss too and told him to not be sad.

 She went in and found her cubby spot and then her name on a desk.  The first thing she did when she sat down was say hello to the kid next to her.  She is always ready to make a friend.  

I hope she had a good first day and we can't wait to hear about how it went.

1 comment:

Go for It ! said...

She really is "Sara the Brave". And so many other things, too!